Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mia's yadigg

Mia Johnson

Period 3

                                                                The Martians

                “Oh my god, what was that noise!?”

“I don’t know , it came from the backyard lets check it out” said my little brother Tommy.

We walked outside to the backyard and saw a little bag, and it was moving. We were so scared, I thought someone had left a baby or something. However , it was nothing of the sort. Once I opened it, it was two aliens. We looked with a look of terror and astonishment, but they were peaceful. We took them out of the bag and brought them in the house and we all started to talk. They told us about how they got here and about their plant, so they wanted to know about earth. We had a lot to tell them.

My response to their inquiry was pretty simple, I told them that America wasn’t a good place like most people would think. It’s full of corruption, wars, and injustice.  They had no clue what most of those words meant so I showed them a move called “New Jack City”, it was a prime example of all the things I’d been talking about. It shows how cops use their powers in such ways they shouldn’t, they abuse them to pick on people. The cops in the movie target backs and other minorities and just bully and kill them because they can. I told them that things aren’t still that bad here but they haven’t completely changed. There is still plenty of prejudice and injustice in race. Then I told them about the recent Trayvon Martin incident, a young black male who was just minding his own business walking to the store and was shot and killed by a white neighborhood watchman, and the man never even was penalized. There is so much unfairness in this world.

                My brothers response was a bit different though, he said that America is full of idiots and Americans are dumb. He said that if Americans were smarter and thought more than the world would be a better place. He started talking about a tv show called “The Simpsons”, he started talking about the show because there’s a character in it named Homer Simpson; he’s a fat, lazy, dumb person. In the show Homer is always just acting stupid and sometimes does bad things to people, but he always comes out on the top. He has a big house, beautiful wife, nice job, three kids: what some would call The American Dream.  This is unfair because in America those who don’t deserve it at all receive some of the highest positions of authority and they succeed in life.

                Then lastly to give them an overall perspective of the world me and Tommy both came to a consensus and said that the book 1984, it entails how corrupt and deceptive this world it.  In the book it shows of a world where no one ever has any privacy and Big Brother is always watching, that’s actually a reality just in the real world they don’t make it as obvious. The tap our phones and trace us and invade our privacy on levels you couldn’t think of. You never know if you’re being watched or not, no one ever knows when it’s okay to act how they want.

                So basically we just told them how we really felt about America, no sugar coding or holding back. We might’ve inadvertently made it sound like a horrible place, but at the end of the day it isn’t a great one.  

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