Monday, May 21, 2012

It is not what is on the outside, its what is on the inside...SIKE! by Sean

I was watching the news when all of a sudden...BOOM! I heard somewhat of a giant thud in my backyard. I was home alone. So i took action. I ran and grabbed my dad's shotgun. I ran outside. I run out and see...


I pull the trigger. But the bullet floats in mid air. "WE come in peace." said their leader. "Well then WTF are you doing in  my backyard." I reply. "All we request is that you tell us about this world."they reply innocently. I was so scared I pissed my pants. "So basically a summary of this planet. I can do that. OK, there are these people we like to call stereotypes. Stereotypes are a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group. So, some examples are black people LOVE watermelon

White girls have no body features.

I beg to differ.
Mexicans only play soccer.

And all rappers are bad influences because they smoke and use explicit language.

Yea, sure.

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