Sunday, May 20, 2012

Carolina, Rachel and Anna


By: Anna Dennis

I woke up to a loud whirring noise and bright lights shining through my windows. I looked over at my clock and saw 4:12 am.

I groaned and dragged myself out of bed. I tried to peer out the window but the light that from the backyard was too bright. I tip toed down the stairs and out the backyard. I slowly opened my door and saw a large silver circular spaceship! Suddenly a platform came down from the spaceship and mist surrounded it.

Two dark green fat creatures came down. They only had one eye and two antennas sticking up from their head.

            “Hello earthling! We come in pieces!”

            “You mean peace?”

            “Right! I’m Sophie and this is Pierre.”
            “I’m Anna. Can I help you?” I asked feeling confused. What were they doing here?
            “Were collecting information for our planet called Nacirema. What is America like?” asked Sophie.

            “Um… Sure. That is a pretty broad question but America really values independence. If they need to they will fight to gain it.”
            The aliens just stared at me blankly.
            “I’ll be back.”
            I ran to my room scrambling and sliding through the door. I pulled three books off of the bookshelf after scanning it quickly.
            “Read this.” I told them as I handed them Eragon.

They thumbed through the book in less then a second.
            “Interesting!” said Sophie.
            “Did you read it?” I asked.
            “We have a photo graphic memory and we can use all of our brains, as opposed to humans who only use part, which helps us process things in a couple of milliseconds.” Explained Pierre.

            “Anyways… Eragon is trying to help the kingdom defeat the evil king. The king has all the power so he can do anything he wants without any consequences. The people want independence from him.”
            “I think we are beginning to understand.” Said the aliens.
            “Okay next is a book called The Giver by Lowis Lowry.” The aliens skimmed it again as I began to explain. “In The Giver, Jonas leaves because he wants independence. The government is controlling him and inflicting pain on him. He wants to be able to make his own decisions.”

            “Ahhhh… We see now!” said Sophie.
            “And this is one of my favorite book: Mockingjay. It is part of the series Hunger Games.

Katniss starts a rebellion because the Capitol was controlling and killing innocent people from all of the districts. She wants the people to be able to live out their lives as they want and not have a predestined future. America is like this. They like to be in control and separate. They need to be able to make their own choices or they will band together like they did in the Hunger Games to get justice.”

            “We completely understand now!” said Pierre. “Thank you!”
            “Now I can understand why America is so different from other countries!” said Sophie.
            “Bye!” they shouted.
            “Bye.” I murmured as I watched the spaceship fly off into space. I watched it until it was just a little speck that looked no bigger then the stars.

            Looking around and pinching myself I thought, “Did that really just happen?” I then proceeded to faint.   

Mars Wants Knowledge
By: Carolina Cannon

I just came home from watching Mars Needs Moms at a friend’s house. It was late and I was tired.  

That’s why I thought I was hallucinating when the space ship appeared. Down came three Martians colored green wearing baggy pants and “The Hungry Games” t-shirts.

     “Hello earthling,” they said.  "I'm Binky, he's Dinky, and she's Pinky," the first Martian said gesturing down the line.
     “Right,” I said slightly amused after looking at their t-shirts.  “So can I go home now or are you going to abduct me?”
"No!" one said appalled.  "That is a common misconception of us!  We come for knowledge, not humans!" 
“Well, what do you want to know?" I asked.
"What's your idea about America?" Pinky inquired.
“I think it is a great country, but it is a little backwards with its different and sometimes illogical ideas.  Ummm, here let me explain.  I'll use three books to help everyone understand." I said.
"First, we need proper American cuisine...can we get some hamburgers and fries?"  Before I could say or do anything, they disappeared and came back just as fast with loads of McDonalds merchandise.

"Okay, now that you're ready.  The first novel I will use to explain this is The Giver by: Lois Lowry,” I started.

“America tends to provide everything for the people.  If you need it, the government will provide it.  That could be good, but the people rely too heavily on the government for basics like food and insurance. 

"No one works for himself or herself anymore.  The people doing the honest work get the worst of it.  They are getting taxed while other people aren't working at all.  The common people are shielded from pain.

"The next book is The Outsiders by: S. E. Hinton.

In the Outsiders, there are many stereotypes.  It touches on a lot of teen issues, but it seemed to be making a comment about Society.  There is always going to be someone that doesn't fit under a label.  We are too quick to judge, and then someone is misinterpreted. Sometimes, the labels are accurate, but most of the time, they are obstructions to actually knowing someone.”

“Can we get more hamburgers?” asked Binky.
“The last book is And Then There Were None by: Agatha Christie. 

That book focuses on crimes that are committed, but people cannot get prosecuted or don’t.  In America, there are people (mostly celebrities) that commit crimes and get away with it.  A crime like drunk driving is judged differently for a celebrity and a civilian.”

“I guess America does have some weird ideas that constitutes as ‘backwards,” remarked Dinky. 

They climbed aboard their space ship and took off.  They probably left with many questions about America.  I only had one.

            “What just happened?”

Skinny is beautiful and Black people love chicken
By Rachel Williams

I was lying in my backyard one day counting the stars. It was a quite peaceful night and everyone in the house was asleep.


“I am Buzz and this is Cheez. We have traveled here to learn about life in the great land of America,” said the two Martians.

Aaaahhhhh yes, America, land of the free and home of the brave,

We have lots of food that’s about it.

We have a lot of money too.

We live in a world where everyone and everything is stereotyped. America very closed-minded.

This is Americas only image of beauty.
It is close-minded because if you don’t fit this perfect image of tall, skinny, and long hair then you aren’t considered “beautiful”.

Girls and women try and alter their looks to fit this image of “beauty”.

The Martians asked for some Cheetos Cheese Puffs,
So I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag. I walked back into the backyard to find no Cheez or Buzz. They returned with two bucket of chicken and a jug of Kool-Aid.

We just took a trip to Atlanta and brought back some chicken. It looked really delicious in this picture” Cheez and Buzz said

Do you and your family eat this type? Cheez asked.
America is very stereotypical and thats what portrayed in the media.

Not ALL Black people eat chicken,

some Asians CAN drive,

and Irishmen aren’t ALWAYS drunk.

Just to name a few stereotypes.
America portrays these stereotypes in movies, commercials, magazines, television shows, books, and artwork.

American movies like Norbit show many stereotypes against ethnic groups. It stereotypes Black men and women as loud, rude, aggressive, and eat unhealthy food.

Another popular movie with many stereotypes is White Chicks. It stereotypes blonde White women as rich and shallow. It stereotypes male athletes as rich and flashy.

               There are many stereotypes in America that are portrayed through media.

Chezz and Buzz climbed into their hovercraft and closed the door. I watched as they took off into the sky and within seconds were out of sight. I looked up into the sky and saw the sun was beginning to rise. The birds were chirping and I heard my alarm clock go off inside the house


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